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Let’s Stop Violence In Its Tracks!

SAAV Teen is an awareness campaign to foster compassion for animals in teenagers and give them the tools to create a more inclusive and kind world. Research confirms that animal abuse is a hallmark indicator of violence towards humans, including domestic abuse, child abuse, and other family violence. Early detection and intervention of animal cruelty crimes may help prevent harms to people, too.

SAAV Teen helps teens learn about compassion for animals, teaches them about the link between animal cruelty and violence to humans, and encourages them to speak up to a trusted adult if they see or hear of animal cruelty. Our materials are downloadable for free below. We also provide resources to schools free of charge, including: brochures, posters, and other materials.

For information about SAAV Teen, or if you are interested in bringing SAAV Teen to your school, please contact us at


SAAV Teen Resources


SAAV Teen Digital Brochure

Our brochure for teens explains why compassion for animals matters—for animals and people, and what to do if teens see or hear about animal cruelty.


SAAV Teen Stop Cruelty in Its Tracks

Experts agree that early intervention is a critical way to stop animal cruelty and violence to humans. Our poster encourages teens to stop cruelty in its tracks.


SAAV Teen What You Can Do Poster

Teens can take steps every day to foster kindness to animals.

Teen Dating Violence and the Link

Teen dating violence is more common than you may think.